
Save the earth one STEP at a time!!

This is a new invention, it is a Kenetic power source that you can strap to your hips or back to charge/power you cellphone, i pod, anything just about that usb powered. It suposively gives enough entergy out to compare to a wall charger!!!

"Hey Sally, i left my PEG at home! Can i borrow yours??" lol

What do you think?
Would you buy one?
Where would you strap it to? :) No naughty ness cuz i know its comming!!

Mr. Dream

Home Page:http://www.greennpower.com/

COOL!!! 2d never was more usefull!!

So, here is a video (guy is boring but good information) about 2d mobile advertsing. This is usefull because they put these codes on billbords or in the corner of ads to "scan" and take you right to their site! I think this is a great idea!!

What do you think?
what would you use it for?
Would you use it if you had it on your phone?

Mr. Dream


Twitter now active

So i just got twitter so anyone can add me and tell me what your up to.


Mr. Dream

Making Life Easyer!!

OK KIDS, so here is some keyboard short cuts that you can use (windows only!!) to make your life so much easyer. Just remember:
1. Habits take 28 days to make/break
2. If you start using them now, you will be a pro sooner then later

My fav keyboard short cut is Windowskey+E (for explorer) its an easy way to get to your C drive so you can move/delete/ect files. Hope you enjoy

So let me know which one is your fav!?!
Which do you currently use???
Are there any that you use that are not on here??

Windows system key combinations
loadTOCNode(2, 'moreinformation');

Windows "area" keys
F1: Help
CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu
ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs OR ****Windows Vista*** Windows Key+ Tab for something cool!!!
ALT+F4: Quit program
SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently

Editing Stuff:
CTRL+C: Copy - God this saves my life
CTRL+X: Cut - Use this all the time!!
CTRL+V: Paste - Use this all the time!!
CTRL+Z: Undo
CTRL+B: Bold
CTRL+U: Underline
CTRL+I: Italic

C-ya peeps
Mr. Dream

P.s- Having too muc fun??? More here!! http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449


In the Begining

In the begining there were god and technology!! Welcome to my blog. I hope that someone somewhere out there finds at least ONE thing usefull here!!

Mr. Dream