Wow am i overwhelmed. Now i know this is supposta be a blog about technol0gy but i just have to rant and rave for a bit. There is way to much shit going on with moving, school, band, planning shows, planning the move, planning the place to live, etc, etc......
by now im quetioning why did i not decide to stay an extra month just so i didnt have all this pressure on me but actully i think i succed more if i do load my self up. The resioning is that im actuly thinking about this stuff all the time!! Instead of blowing it off im implimenting this "Plan of action"
Whew i feel better
Mr. Dream
Gagan jain has built an interesting rig called the LIFI, it allows a
simple transmission of audio using an LED for sending the audio signal and
a solar c...
6 years ago